I've seen some great shows, allot of great shows. But the one that stands out in my mind the most was Paul McCartney in Orlando Florida in 1993. This was his last concert of his last world tour ever. And he and his band played like they would never play again. 4.5 hours of music, lights, pirotechnics, and just pure entertainment. Paul played everything from The Beatles, Wings, to the current albulm, Off the Ground. I don't think he left out anything. The greatest moment for me was when, at the end of the show, Paul sang Maybe I'm Amazed to Linda with her in his arms. Truly a gem memory in my mind.
I can still hear him singing Baby you can Drive my Car.. Beep Beep.. Beep Beep.. Yeah!
And sorry, I have to mention one more.. Elton John and Billy Joel, also in Orlando. In a freezing November rain, I sat through an awsome show. Probably would have been my #1 show if it weren't for that..
"Badgers?!? We don't need no stinking Badgers!!"
"Now.. The mushrooms? Yeah, I'll have some more!"
Does he have a name? Can I name him Dancey Mcgee? Spinach_Indeed
Last edited by Doc_34465; 05-17-2003 at 12:31 PM..