I'm a dork also. I blame only having one cup of coffee to that point. I click, I get the message.
*blink*blink* okay...
Now, considering that I made 1/2" wide labels that said "April Fools!" and stuck them on the undersides of my co-workers mice last night before I left (at midnight), I'm going to assume this is a joke. Okay, view source...
I read some code. I see it's all still there. so...why don't I see it? Hm, I keep looking. I see all the "< br >" in the "message" table, and.....nothing clicks.
Now I nuke the cookies and go to see the main page. Okay, it's there. Hm. Do some clicking, find my way around. The site's there. *sips coffee* "now what the hell..."
Go back to the "message" page...read source....
OH! br. Duh.
*smack head*
*scroll down*
Happy April 1st all! Thanks Hal!
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."