04-01-2005, 10:03 AM
#47 (permalink)
It is not a myth... diet definately plays a role.
Link --> How can I improve the taste of my semen?
Many of our more chivalrous readers have sought to make oral sex a more palatable experience for their partners, and I wish that I could give them all some firm directions towards doing so. But this is a subject that continues to be cluttered by myths and, these old wives' tips aside, there is simply no single recipe for preparing a tastier load. The reason for this is that taste is, well, just that, a matter of taste! One woman's sugar will be another woman's poison. So rather than pointing you towards a particular menu, let's look at the alleged effects of certain foods on ejaculation.
Fruits like kiwi, watermelon, celery, and pineapple are all said to make semen taste lighter. Beer and coffee are believed to have something of an opposite effect, and could leave her with a bitter taste in the mouth. Alkaline-based foods like meat and fish produce a buttery taste, while acidic fruits (cranberries, blueberries and plums) produce a pleasant, sugary flavor. Most liqueurs will do the same, while dairy products can make for a foul taste because of their high bacterial putrefaction levels.