longbough- You seem to be very knowledgeable on the topic so I hope you don't mind answering a quick question for me. I've always understood that the damage done by a bullet is primarily a matter of how much energy is released into the body. What I'm wondering is if a 9x19 and .45 ACP would do roughly the same amount of damage if both were hollowpoints. I may be mistaken but I think they have roughly the same amount of muzzle energy. Will the physical damage caused by the .45 make that much of a difference? It seems to me that a .45 and 9mm should do about the same amount of damage to a person supposing neither exits the body. On a side note, from a military standpoint we must use full metal jacket ammunition I've been thoroughly disapointed with the stopping power of my issue 9mm. I'd be quite enthused if I were allowed to carry my USP .45.
"People sleep peacably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" -George Orwell