I did WW in the summer of 03' and was very successful, dropped 80 pounds in 6 months.
Now, I was 21 years old, and was very strict. I never went a point above my quota, and never did the bank thing. I was at the gym 1.5 hours a day, and besides my pijnts, i drank a ton of water, and ate a ton of salad.
I am not a chocolate or pastry guy, im into salty foods, chips, popcorn...So, when I had urges I would eat flavored popcorn.
I have since become a lifetime member, and my SO has just lost her 40th pund, in 1 year. I have managed to keep every pound off, and have taken a ken interest in running.
I was overweight my whole life, tipping the scales at 260 pounds. Now, I am 180, and feeling good.
WW is a great diet, because its not a diet, rather a lifestyle, of and those chcolate bars that are 2 points each...mmmmmm!!