If saving isn't important, perhaps think of how much better you can build or have built for the same money. If you can buy 25% fa$ter parts, how much more quickly will your animation or rendering come together?
but I'd rather not risk getting some incompatible parts, or simply screwing up one minor issue, like skaven stated, and having the entire thing go down the drain...right along with the money spent on it.
It takes a very large screwup to take out the entire collection of parts. That said I understand the anxiety of building your first box. Know anyone who could help? Otherwise Braisler's suggestion holds. Even if the shop does vanish in 6mo the parts will have mfg warranties.
At $2.5-3K I would add at least one more drive for redundancy and performance. Making one spindle handle everything is an unnecessary bottleneck. The proper arrangement and utilization of volumes can make a significant difference in net performance.
As for the screen, if you don't need portability or light weight then a pro 21" CRT will look better, have higher (and flexible) resolution, and cost considerably less. Be kind to your eyes. It also moves more money to your performance and quality requirements.