My personal opinion. Not to be taken personally.
Napoleon Dynamite. After all of the hype about what a fantastic movie it was, I watched it twice and just didn't understand.
I have absolutely no idea why You Got Served was ever made (yes, I watched it). An hour and a half I'll never see again.
In general, it simply astounds me that Adam Sandler, Jimmy Fallon and Ashton Kutcher keep getting movie roles. I haven't seen a single worthwhile film from any of them.
I am obviously the only person walking the planet who didn't think Spider Man was a great piece of cinematic legend. I hated it AND the goddamn sequel.
I despise the movie "City of Angels" with every single fiber of my being. This movie (as well as it's "star", Meg Ryan) are responsible for completely turning me against the entire "Chick Flick" genre. Utter dreck. I still have nightmares.
I have a BIG problem with the recent remake of the 70's science fiction classic Rollerball. The new one with LL Cool J (for God's sake) is just horrendous.
The English Patient was the most mind-numbingly boring waste of celluloid and good actors that it has ever been my extreme displeasure to witness. Another one that makes me seriously question Hollywood.
Louisiana: We're Not ALL Drunken Cajun Wackos, But That's Our Tourism Campaign
Last edited by frankx; 03-31-2005 at 05:46 PM..