God did give both Adam & Eve free "moral choice". When He set up the "test", both Adam & Eve obviously understood the concept of life & death, because Eve tried explaining this to the serpent. (It is interesting to note that later when the serpent was trying to deceive Jesus, Jesus told him that God should not be put to the test...however it's okay for Him to test us.)
Now the question becomes, will God ever go back to his original purpose? If so, are we going to live forever on earth as a sedated pet....without awareness or "knowledge"? Well, there are a few things to consider.
First, if God is indeed all powerful, we have to believe that he can do anything he wants. If He wants humans to live as "sedated pets", it's hard to imagine that a serpent/angel/devil (that He created) came along and screwed up all His plans. I can buy the idea that the serpent might have delayed things a bit, but not completely changed Gods plans.
Second, what are we praying for when we repeat the Lords prayer?
"Let your kingdom come."
What is this Kingdom? Why do we want it to arrive or come to us? Obviously it isn't here yet, or we would have stopped asking for it to come.
"Let your will take place on earth, as it is in heaven."
What is God's will? Whatever it is, it's already happening in heaven...now, we want the same thing down here. Again, this is something that hasn't happened yet, or else we would have stopped asking. This prayer seems to indicate that God still has some plans for "earth" and that not everything (God's plans) is going to take place after we're dead, or in heaven.