How about an invite?
So, I've noticed that all of the free emails don't work to register new accounts any more, even gmail (which has made me sad), and I can understand the mods reasons for this, but now I come about a dilemma. Not everyone has their own email address from their ISP, and hell, I'd use gmail instead of comcast any day. The tfp signup thing obviously isn't a problem for me now, since I'm already registered, but I'm trying to get my girlfriend more into the community, and all the great things that being a part of it brings, however, she has no access to a pay/permanent email.
What I suggest to remedy the problem of people not being able to join the TFP due to email qualms is an invite feature, just like what Gmail has. I think it would be nice to be able to unban one specific address from the h8ed address list by sending an invite to those we know, and those who send invites to people who abuse the TFP will have their invite priveledges revoked. I would truly appreciate it if the mods considered this, as there are many people I know who would benefit the TFP community but are turned off by needing a permanent address.
Many thanks, from your local m00t.