Hi All,
I'm sowing some chillis soon and I expect about 30 plants. The seeds all come from
http://www.chileseeds.co.uk/ and the varieties I'm planting are
- Chiltepin - freaking hot, small round berries. Will survive over winter.
- Aji Panca - 5 inches long to one inch wide. Fruity and aromatic, mild enough to be used in salads.
- NuMex Suave Orange - Hot with a citrus flavour, yeilds up to 100 fruit.
- Tobasco - Hot and smoky flavour, yeilds up to 100 upright fruit.
- Cayenne Long Slim - Up to six inches with a massive harvest
- Jalapenos
So I'm going to have a LOT of plants and hopefully a large harvest - more than I know what to do with no doubt! I want to preserve some for future use (and presents) and I was wondering if anyone know of any recipes, especially for carribean hot sauce or something similar?
This site has VITAL info on preserving in oil
http://www.foodscience.afisc.csiro.au/oilvine.htm which I will closely follow.