man i know how you feel!
i run about the same as that. well at least the 3 1/2hour runs, not the longer one.
i have been doing it at lunchtimes on the days that i work for about 6 months now and it got a little bit easier but not as much as i thought it would!
i still have to battle with myself to keep going...i think that you sort of get used to the pain and the breathing, so that you eventually just settle into it and keep going. for example, when i started if i got a stitch i'd stop and walk a bit 'til it went away but now i'll just run through it, sometimes i slow down a wee bit but i don't stop like i used to.
as for distance i'd like a way to know that too...was thinking that when i run at the gym i can look at the speed i am running at and then when i am outside try and run at the same speed...then do the sum txs=d...but then i'm not sure if the treadmill is set a mph or kmph...i run at 8.5 so i reckon it must be miles...but i could be wrong...
change happens when those who don't normally speak get heard by those who don't normally listen.