Woah, I should check back more often. Thanks for the comments. I haven't had any time to work on it since January because they won't let me have power tools in my dorm room. But I have done a little thinking.
Regarding the use of paintball equipment: I decided to get a gas conversion kit for my little flux core welder, so with a high pressure regulator and hose, I should be able to use that.
I'm also going to be on the lookout for an old compressed gas bottle to use as the fuel tank, and up the pressure to maybe 250psi. Jelled fuel too. That should result in a significant rise in the violence level of this device.
I've met a guy with a lathe and mill who's willing to teach me some machining and help with making a new gun assembly. The pressure washer gun works and has proven to not leak, but for reasons of lingering doubt and also asthetics, I'd like to have a nozzle specifically for this purpose. Also, this would allow for a greater flow rate (30 gal/min should be good

I'm certainly going to continue working on this thing over the summer, but I've got a few other projects that need to be done first (A logsplitter and a big roof over a dog pen. WTF? I'm a computer science guy. What's wrong with me?)
I'd also like to build a "tank-like" vehicle. If anybody would like to donate parts, like engine, hydraulic pump/motors, or TRACKS, I'd be grateful. Hell, I'll let ya have some time on the 'thrower
Originally Posted by hotzot
dashdot are you a Dr. Strangelove fan?
Indeed I am.