Originally Posted by Carn
Lawyers don't give a shit about ethics or morals or anything as long as they get paid. Well fuck that. And if you want to sue the life out of anyone you can just to get some easy money, then fuck you too.
I'm sure glad we have you to tell us how to be ethical and moral.
Look. If I go to a lawyer and tell him "I'm suing this guy," I'm paying that lawyer to get the most money he can. I'm not paying him to get me $5 and a pat on the head.
Now, if I'm a lawyer and I want to get $5,000 for my client, I'm damn sure not gonna start at $5,000. I'm gonna start at $50,000, and then $5,000 doesnt' look so huge. Gives me room to negotiate down. And if some jury gets a case of the willies and actually awards me $50,000, I'm not gonna bitch because my client isn't paying me to reduce his settlement.
As for people who sue being greedy assholes, you've obviously never been in a wreck. I have, and I can tell you that pain and suffering is very legitimate. I was in a wreck (100% his fault) 14 years ago. It was only 2 years ago that I could start to ski and mountain bike again. Took 12 years for my back to get good enough to do those things, and I still have back pain every day. And I was lucky - I know of plenty of people that were permanently disabled in their wrecks. You're telling me that someone who's in pain for over a decade due to the negligence of someone else does not deserve compensation for that?
I think you need to climb down off your high horse and stop making blanket statements about lawyers and people who sue.