Having been around the block with pretty much every scripting language available, I choose asp.net mainly because it's much more easier to deal with, program, and maintain. I personally HATE dealing with scripting languages, and C# kinda fixes that for me. Plus I know .net almost inside and out, so I can easily override base controls and classes for my own purposes (which, depending on the project, you may need to do).
Speed and efficiency are pretty trivial, especially with a very basic online app that only deals with users paying via credit card and logging in. Generally when these platforms are compared, there are some ridiculous examples used, like heavy scientific apps that aren't even written by 1% of the programmer base for that language.
In the end, there's no solid definite answer and it doesn't really matter because linux also has mono that ties into apache... so it really just boils down to preference, just like J2EE vs. .NET.
You could go back and forth all day on how fast something is vs. another, but when it comes down to it it's milliseconds of processing time per thousands of users per second that... from the sounds of your site, you won't even remotely have to ever deal with.
Asp.net is much easier with handling data than you'd think! I think it's much better than PHP.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 03-30-2005 at 03:31 PM..