Low carb...low fat....low calorie...it's all the same in effect. If done correctly, you should lose some fat. If done correctly, each of them is safe. The problem is when the food industry jumps on a diet and a fad is born. Remember when fat free salad dressings suddenly popped up right and left? That was all well and good, no fat = healthier, right? Not really. The fat wasw replaced by processed sugars (carbohydrates), and the dressing was just as unhealthy, if not moreso, than before. If you want to do Atkins, or the Zone, or w3hat have you, go spend the $10 on the book and read the whole thing through. Go to your doctor and ask if it is healthy for you. Then go on the diet and don't cheat. That's how this works.
The best, healthiest, and most natural way to lose fat is still exercise with a diet program. The top trainers in the world (olympic, professioanl sports, etc.) are currently working with the 3 part diet. 33% carbs, 33% fats, and 33% protien. And 100% exercise. Protien makes and maintains muscle. Fat and carbs are energy.
The reason American's are still getting fatter has more to do with exercise and food proportions than soda and bread. Get off your butt and run, walk, play basketball, or whatever it takes to break a sweat every day. Eat until you're full, so only put a smnall amount of food on your plate, then go back if you want more.