Originally Posted by sapiens
I was rooting for Rob and Amber, but after seeing them drive past what appeared to be a serious accident without stopping to see if everyone was ok, I'm not so sure anymore.
I thought the same thing but then I wonder how creative the editing gets. Don't get me wrong, I also think that Rob probably says a lot more asinine comments and those are getting edited, too.
I'm rooting for the brothers. What was that line? "Spelunking. I just like saying it." They're hilarious.
I like the brothers, too. In fact, this is a really tough season for me because there are many teams that I like. I would not be the least bit disappointed if any of these teams won:
Uchenna and Joyce
Rob and Amber
Brian and Greg
Meredith and Gretchen
Kelly annoys the hell out of me and Lynn I just want to kick. I've been pulling for Rob and Amber from the beginning, so I hope they continue to do well.