I can only hope that this issue can cause a split in the GOP. If the small govt. GOP goes to the LBT then the GOP will be left with mostly the religious right. Without the small govt GOPs to give them extra votes, the RR will be exposed as the fanatics they are and us Dems will pwn both parties. Gay marriage and universal healthcare here we come!
Of course if too many GOP flee to the LBT they might become too strong and start getting elected. Then they will go on a privatization spree and screw everything up. ----> No more environmental, workplace safety, and consumer protections anymore, everthing is up for sale and the class gaps widen
However, if not enough GOPs leave then the GOP nominee's will get more and more radical --> Execute the abortioners, shut down porn and anything not inspired by God. Forced prayer in public schools and mandated Christianity
We're screwed either way.