Originally Posted by guccilvr
let's hope you never get into a spot and need one of these "assholes" to get you out of it. You could just defend yourself and get torn apart in court; or you could use a lawyer and let him to the nitty gritty stuff behind the scenes that TV doesn't show. Lawyer's have their place and purpose. I don't see why they should be hated. Now if we just decided that the constitution wasn't lawful anymore then.. all the lawyers could just go to hell.
First off, I never called lawyers assholes, so I don't know why you put that in quotations.
Second, I have no problem with lawyers who are ethical and actually try to do good. If I were being wrongfully sued for something, then yes I would definitely get a lawyer. But hiring a lawyer for defense is different than hiring a lawyer so you can squeeze every last penny out of someone who made a mistake.
People who see an opportunity to make an easy buck by stepping one someone else disgust me, and lawyers make it all possible. I believe if you are hit in a car wreck, you should only be compensated so that you are back to where you were before the accident. Ie, car repair bills, hospital bills, etc. None of this pain and suffering and mental anguish bullshit.
Lawyers don't give a shit about ethics or morals or anything as long as they get paid. Well fuck that. And if you want to sue the life out of anyone you can just to get some easy money, then fuck you too.