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Old 05-17-2003, 10:51 AM   #33 (permalink)
Sun Tzu
Conspiracy Realist
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Location: The Event Horizon
Originally posted by crumbbum
[B]The UN has passed all kinds of nutty resolutions about Israel- part of this has to do with the fact that there are at least 40 Arab/Muslim countries in the general assembly- part of this has to do with the fact that the other countries are all playing to suit their own interests, which usually lie more with oil than truth. Don't use the UN to learn about the reality of the region, the general consencus of the world governments is a not any sort of moral authority, if you look at history, and is dominated by petty squabbling and selfish motive, not the pursuit of real justice and truth. /B]
I'm unclear about something so any feedback on this is greatly appreciated: Nothing can be taken away from the people that actually do the physical fighting to make things happen throughout human history. Alongside that element of cultural expansion is the vital areas diplomacy with regards to international politics. The UN certainly seems to have fallen apart; if one could consider it to have ever been together in the first place. The rotation of countries into positions of global political authority when the leadership’s actions reflect a contradiction of the areas of their responsibility makes this case all to clear.

This dysfunctional state could have evolved from multiple factors. One that stands out to me is the double standard and situational respect that all countries seem to give it. This dooms it from the start. In regards to this discussion; a ProIsrael perspective disagree will the 90 resolutions Israel is in violation of including transgressed Geneva Convention laws. It’s understandable how the Israeli government would scoff at UN demands of retribution and justice; especially as noted when the community has Arabs in it. The world has Arabs in it who believes they're as right as the Israelis.

Is Israel discounting the very entity that recognized its statehood? With no discredit taken to those that fight; the Jewish diplomats scored an equal great victory by gaining the recognition of the UN. It appeared at that point Israel didn’t have any issues with the UN at all until resolutions were passed that it did not benefit from. It truly is a joke that counties such as Iraq and Cuba held positions dealing with disarmament and human rights; but no more than the 90 resolutions Israel continues to break. If someone disagrees with this they are accused of being anti-Semitic; which is ridiculous and side tracking the issue. When things are desired both ways is it unreasonable to expect the reaction is going to be negative. I think the UN should be disbanded; what could have been a good thing has become a joke.

I think America should go to war with any nation that doesn’t agree to lift the sanctions on Iraq, nuke Mecca, nuke Iran, nuke Syria, give more money and weapons to Israel than already given and let them finish off the Palestinians, Lebanese, and Jordians, hire the remaining Saudis work in the oil fields for cheap labor, laugh at France, tell Russia and China to deal with it, turn North Korea into a giant casino and we will finally have truth, liberty, and justice for all.

Pardon the sarcasm these issues are frustrating to me; as is the rest of the world. It seems like humans could be capable of so much more.

Technological progression with social regression; IMO looking back at our passionate history we haven’t learned a dam thing. That is of course MO.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking

Last edited by Sun Tzu; 05-17-2003 at 11:01 AM..
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