I have two acquaintances that have gone (I assume you are talking about Halliburton). Both said they'd do it again, but I think there is some break time that you have to take after year one. They got paid 130K for the year I think, the first 80K was tax free. Boredom, oh yeah, better plan on that. The money was great, they felt relatively secure where they were (not near the "Sunni triangle").
The whole thing sucks in my opinion, but at least the jobs are being handed out to US citizens if they want them. Think about the news reporting that the jobs are being given to folks in India or China who will do the same thing for 10K per year.
I don't know if you are into "substances" or not, but you WILL be drug tested & if you fail once I believe you will not be allowed to apply again, ever. I think the chances of you getting your noggin chopped off & dumped on a street are pretty slim unless you sleepwalk, can pass through a security checkpoint while sleepwalking, and then go to a really crappy part of town & meet up with the wrong crowd.
Tough choice, especially with a SO to keep in mind. Good luck with your decision. I would say I probably would go if I had absolutely no ties in the US.