Did he routinely use banks that we not in the town where he lived? Most of the people of that generation used a bank that had a branch near home. If you think that this might be the case, you could narrow down your search by checking with banks in the area he lived. If he was wiring money around to different banks in distant cities, then he was unusually progressive.
You might have some luck searching online to find candidate banks. Then just get on the phone and do the leg work of asking if the bank has any record of your grandfather's holdings. They should be able to look up his name to see if he ever banked with them.
Also if you had any records of his previous accounts, you might be able to track where the money went to after leaving that account. If he used a wire transfer to move the money, they may still have a record of that.
Lastly, there are some publications of unclaimed assets that are usually published locally in the paper once a year. You might check with the local newspaper in that area to see if you can get a copy of that information. Beware of scams obviously.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein