This is an intersting topic.. When we first moved in together.. We used her bed and since she has back problems, she has a very hard bed. Me... Can't sleep on it for many nights without creating back problems of myown.. We eneded up getting a Sleep Number bed. This way we can adjust each side of the bed to the way we like.
As far as sleeping goes.. When I used to sleep alone... I always wanted her right next to me..and I still prefer it that way..She has issues sometimes sleeping when I'm not home. But one thing we agree on is every now and then, the sleep I get when we are alone is much better. I guess maybe cause I can use up the whole bed and stuff. We would never consider sleeping in different beds though, we like snuggling too much.
"Its better to be hated for who you are, then loved for what your not" --Van Zant
"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."