Originally Posted by j8ear
His entire repertoire of contributions to this thread have been exclusively glib and insulting. Not a thought provoking, insightful, or forwarding thinking post in the bunch. It is how the left MUST reframe their failed polcies. Without glibness or insults they have nothing but failures. With glibness and insults they try to create scaapegoats...one who won't spend enough or steal from the successful enough. Someone has to be demonized...it certainly can't be their failures. Personal responsibility be damned.
What really scares me though is this:
I fear deeply for the students indoctrinated by roachco and his boyspeak...especially when they're all essentially "nuanced" down to the following:
Over and over the left, takes this view of rational and reasoned disagreement with the demonstrably failed policies so feverishly advocated for and championed by his band of failure experiencing policy perveyors.
Affirmative Action is RACISM or SEXISM. No two ways about it. It is disgusting and dispicable.
They're better ways to "LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD" but continuing racism doesn't help. The goals are laudable, but the end result fails to accomplish the stated goal. Lebell is on the right track with education funding state wide instead of district specific, as is TEXAS with it's 10% gaurantee of admission (remember even the top 10% of the worst socio-ecominically depressed schools are admitted).
Racism, state sponsored or private sector perpetuated is never a solution. It is but a metastacy of the original 'cancer.'
For a cliché parting thought:
"Two wrongs don't make a right"
All those words, and the best "solution" to racism you have is statewide education funding?
That's the "solution" to the "failed" policies of the left?
There is no solution to racism. You can't solve it. You can't make it "right". The best you can do is circumvent its negative consequences. The best method of doing that is AA.