Reed and Ben have always been about 15 years older than Sue and Johnny. In current continuity, Reed and Ban are in their Mid-Forties, Sue is about 30, and Johnny in his mid 20's. That was about ten to twelve years ago, Marvel time, which matches up with their original ages. Johnny was a teen, Sue college age, about 20, and Reed and Ben in their mid 30's. Early on, they aged roughly real time, and have been frozen since about issue 100. There were references to Reed and Ben serving in WW2 together, and they became the FF in 1961, so Reed and Ben had to have been in their mid to late 30's. They've since dropped the WW2 references, but kept the ages consistent.
In the current Ultimate FF, they've made Reed about the same age as Sue, both in their mid-20's, with Ben a few years older and Johnny about 17 or 18. The trailer seems to be showing a take on the FF that's closer to the Ultimate version, but it'll be wait and see on that.
Has anyone seen the Roger Corman version made in the late 80's / early 90's? It's truly laughably bad, in the same league as the made for tv versions of Wonder Woman, Captain America, and [shudder] the Justice League.
I'm a big fan of The Ultimates. It isn't really a "realistic" take on the team, just an updated one, as if the team were first formed in the 2000's and not the 60's, and it's a much better book than The Avengers was when Lee was writing it.
As for the modern interpretation of the characters, I don't think it's really a radical departure for any of them. Why shouldn't Wasp be Asian or a mutant? I think it was pretty clearly implied that Hank's abuse of Janet had been an ongoing thing, though they only showed it the one time.
As for Captain America, well, he's always been a mouthpiece for whoever was writing him, and has been one of the least consistently characterized superheroes. However, I do see his portrayal in the Ultimates--he way, way over there on the right wing-- as being pretty much in line with his creators vision. Get the GA Captain America Masterworks and reread those first four Kirby / Simon issues, and you'll see a Cap who would be quite willing to call the French cowards in the wake of 9-11 (note: an opinion I do not necessarily share, but one whish is entirely consistent with the creator's vision of the character). It's light years from the Lee version revived in the 60's, where he was a liberal who wouldn't kill, and was retconned not to have been killing nazis in WW2, and which most people remember as the "original".