In Canada, we only have 33 (?) million people. It is easy to look through the registered members of a political party when hiring for a government job. If you sign up, your name is on a public database. It is public knowledge.
Cierah, I wouldn't worry about the whole 'can't get a government gig' thing if you are looking at membership. 3/4 of those people got there through their connections in the party grapevine.
Bad news: Political parties are Bullshit.
Like waking up one morning and realizing that your parents might not be perfect, it is the same with political ideology. What happens if you are a social liberal with conservative fiscal policies? What if the Bloq Quebecois closely aligns with your idea of a national child care strategy, but you also agree with those wacky NDP guys and healthcare?
I take a page from the American political machine during times like these, and I vote for the person. Who am I sending to represent me? What is their name? Do I like the way they speak? What issues do they take to heart? Although us Canadians vote for the party, time and again, the yanks pay close attention to Who is going. We need to do the same thing.
Imagine the difference if Primary elections were held up north here? We would have a completely different system.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.