Originally Posted by OFKU0
I think it's terrible these students have singled out the lowly cupcake and used it to forward the AA agenda. If it were a bagel that was being objectified, there would be hell to pay I say, hell to pay.
bagel's are delicious
But I dont think that Jewish students are alleged to benefit from AA in college admission, so it wouldt really make the same point.
But AA is not about "reverse discrimination" - its about levelling the playing field. We know that at HS a black or hispanic student faces a lot of discrimination and disadvantages - we can make a rational assumption that a C grade for a black student if equal to a B grade for a white student. Of course, some individual white students may face more disadvantages that some individual black students - this is understood - but in general we know the ethnic minority students will experience a TENDENCY for discrimination against them. We know that - for example - the black students C represents the same level of actual ability as the white students B.
This is the purpose of AA. This is what it means. Not to reverse disrciminate, but to attempt to adjust for existing discrimination to create a fair result. If you dont agree with the assumption it is based on (ie you dont believe that black, indian, hispanic kids suffer racism which disadvantages them at school... I would personally question your perception of reality.. but that is a view that it is possible to take) - but it is disappointing that so many people have represented what seem to be well made arguments on the issue - while not understanding, or willfully misunderstanding, what AA means.