There are a few ways to approach this (I assume 16 is legal in your country?):
The Horny Asshole: Whip your dick out and let her play with it to her hearts content. Don't give in when she says she wants something more.
The Self-Depriving Pussy: Tell her you don't want to fuck her because you feel it will hurt her, etc etc.
Horny and Honest: Tell her your true intentions for her. Tell her that you want to fuck her madly, and that's the only interest you have for her. Be blunt. Don't hint towards any sort of emotional attachment unless you truly have one for her (I assume you don't, or if you do, it is very minimal). Be cool about it, but be blunt. Let HER make HER own decision, and when it comes time, just be ready to accept whatever her decision may be.
I highly suggest the third one. You're being offered some pussy, and you know you want it. Your being honest with her fully educates her in the current situation, while at the same time you're not forcing an opinion on her. Being an asshole and leading her on just isn't cool, while at the same time, if you tell her, "I really want to fuck you but I can't because I feel it would be wrong," you KNOW she's just gonna go jump someone else's bones. For all you know, she could end up with an asshole, and she WILL end up being fucked-in-the-head at the end of this. Being horny yet honest let's you be the good guy while at the same time gives you a chance at some pussy.
But damn, man...where do you live where 16 is legal?
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...