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Old 03-28-2005, 01:47 PM   #41 (permalink)
Soylent Green is people.
longbough's Avatar
Location: Northern California
1. Surefire 120 lumen flashlight - palmsized and very handy even in broad daylight
2. Benchmade mini-AFCK - this is a well made, practical folding knife. Can be deployed with one hand. Or can be an effective striking tool even when closed.
3. Glock 23 .40 - great gun in a pinch. Got mine in arm's reach
4. My defensive handgun training from Frontsight in Nevada - priceless information in every 4 day class I've taken.
5. Comfy shoes for running like hell
6. My dog

BTW. Not to flog a dead horse but I have to add my views on the whole "martial arts" issue.
It's a terrible mistake to underestimate the "common" street punk. The most experienced martial artists know that no 2 street-fights are alike. I have studied different styles of marial arts for years and have yet to meet an expert who thinks he/she could take a knife or gun away from an opponent every time.
I'm not saying that martial arts is useless, but it doesn't make anyone a superman. I have studied martial arts in the past fanatically from some very good instructors - But if someone posed an imminent threat to my family or loved ones I'd shoot that person.
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