Quite how the structure of DNA might be affected by the position of planets is beyond me also.
The idea of the position of planets affecting us as humans had always seemed to me to be a ridiculous one. I began to realise it might be true when reading about 2012, but the clincher for me was a book by Sir Roger Penrose, "Shadows of the Mind". In it, he presents a candidate for the source of consciousness within the human mind: "large-scale quantum-coherent behaviour occurring within the microtubules of the cytoskeletons of neurons". The microtubules exhibit quantam computing behaviour, and, crucially, their structure is so fine that minute gravitational changes during their creation, such as the alignment of planets, can have an effect.
I think the most compelling evidence for the end date is in Terrence McKenna's Timewave. Simply based on the 6,000 year old I Ching, his mathematical analysis produced a wave that fit the changes in events throughout history. From the building of the egyptian pyramids, to the announcement of Einstein's theory of general relativity, all periods of great advancement and upheaval coincide with dips in the timewave graph. And the accelerating rate of technological change in the past 150 years coincides with a lengthened dip in the wave that approaches, then reaches zero, in 2012.
The I Ching, and the Tao Te Ching, are believed to be texts common to the roots of all the world's major religions. The fact that it actually has encoded within a map of historical change must say something for the validity of making predictions.