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Old 03-28-2005, 09:29 AM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Michigan
I knew after our third or fourth date that I would ask my wife to marry me. I was just out of college, she had two years to go. I was having a party at my house, we were pretty drunk & needed food. My gorgeous blond haired blue eyed girl throws on a pair of my tennis shoes (about five sizes too big) and my leather jacket (also five sizes too big) and we hit an all night pizza joint & dine in. We couldn't stop laughing at each other, though to this day I'm not sure what she was laughing at, my clothes fit perfectly (maybe my zipper was down, who knows).

Anyway, after a few dates I just knew she was the one, we got engaged on our 1 year of dating anniversary, and got married two years later on the same day (I did myself a favor & have only one day to keep track of besides her birthday).

Why did I marry her? She's great to be around, beautiful, a great person inside & out, and I knew there wasn't any way in the damn world I could ever do any better than what was standing right there in front of me. We also went through some similar experiences with asshole ex-es. She's everything I could ever want, that was 13 years ago, and it's only gotten better as the days go on. We now have two children & every day is better than the one before. Hard to explain unless you're in the situation I guess.

I will add that we may not have done quite as well if we had lived together first. One thing we are slightly (scratch that, majorly) different at is picking our shit up. I'm a neat freak, I pick up as I go. She can leave shit laying all over & spend 30 minutes running around picking stuff up once a day. Had we lived together I probably would have lost it at some point. I'm glad I didn't...
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