Originally Posted by maximusveritas
Wow, I had heard alot about these books but I had no idea it was that bad.
Are all the quotes you provide written from the POV of the author or are some written from the POV of the fictional character, Bruce Van Horn?
All the quotes are right from the author. I was going to simply type out the entire first page but I didn't have enough time. Bruce Van Horn is a father character from the previous 1984-esque chapter, in which Christians are literally institutionalized and church services are violently broken up by a brutal police state. Where instead of patriotism we settle on a view that no country is important and nothing is done without thought to one's nationality (Huxley anyone?), and evangelical Christians are jailed under charges of terrorism.
The rest of the book beyond that is the author's view, the quotes from LaHaye in the chapter called Introduction (which is after the Bruce Van Horn story/exercise in hyperbole) just seem to sum it up perfectly.