As with many of you, I crave hugs that are not socially-mandated and that mean something. I can't get enough of those. I love them most from my parents/family, and from my bf. Hugs for no reason, just randomly-timed, from these people mean the most. Good friends... yeah, hugging after not seeing them for a long time, or just before not seeing them for a long time, but not a huge deal otherwise. If anyone else hugs me, I feel a bit weird. Unless I'm in a different country/culture, where it might be more their way of greeting. On the contrary, I lived in a country where no one ever hugged, only briefly kissed as a greeting/goodbye, and after 9 months I felt quite starved for any kind of physical touch.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran