I have been hesitant to post in this thread.....as many consider me to be, well.....not Christian.They are indeed correct. I would point out however that I am who I am because I have researched the scriptures and compared the books to each other, I still do so.
The term Christain....and the term Pagan have much more in common than most would care to accept. They both are meant to encompass a vast group of individual mindsets that have only a core belief as a basis for discussion, and thus relationship. Having read much of the Many versions of Christian scripture.....I was for some time confused as to what was accurate, and what was Falsehood. My understanding changed with the acceptance that there is no "Wrong" interpretation of these texts, but instead an endless supply of correct beliefs, based on personal spirituality.
In short.....if you have read one version of the Bible or another, and you become a more loving and caring person because of it.....you are a Christian in my mind. I am in some ways a Christian in my mind....but do not use the term simply because I find labels a hinderence to my own soul growth. Thus I allow myself to be called Pagan primarily because others who use this term have a like mindset, and do not feel the need to debase the path of anyone.
You can all be Christian.....if that is what you want to be, and No One has the right, or understanding to judge your faith.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha