Originally Posted by host
Does this ''thread' consist solely of Neal Boortz promotional spam?
Well fuck me sideways. This has got to be the most hypocritical post I've ever seen on the TFP. Do your "threads" consist solely of liberal website promotional spam? Your posting style is similar to the orignial post here, a short sentence or two, then a long article or two (or three or four).
I think his intention was to show that there are differing thought processes that conservative religious people can have. So nice to see you responding so well to him agreeing with the liberal position on this topic. I guess because he agrees for a different reason makes him a lesser person.
For me personally, being an atheist, I say stop feeding this vegetable. I refrain from calling it a human or giving it a name because all it is is an empty shell. There is no intelligence or potential for intelligence in this husk anymore. Terry Schiavo died a long time ago. Let's stop wasting so many resources on a corpse.