Manx, Bush still has a 45 percent approval rating. And.....we may not want to
reside here much longer, because, in my mind, this explains why this thread and
most of mine are excercises in futility and why candidates that we support have a difficult time attracting votes, even after Bush's performances in last fall's debates. You do not even speak the same language as 80 percent of these folks. Sadly, they probably attract 50 percent of voters of other affiliation, too.
<a href=""></a>
A divide is evident among Democrats and Republicans, though it is much stronger among those people who identify themselves as evangelicals. Recent polls have also shown divides on matters such as evolution. An NBC News poll conducted in February asked adults what is the more likely explanation for the origin of human life. Less than 1 in 5 Republicans chose "evolution,'' as compared with 43 percent of Democrats.
If the numbers above are correct, there aren't enough potential Americans with sympathies similar enough to mine, to make it worthwhile to align with them in an increased attempt to change the political balance. I don't want to
live among a vast majority of countrymen with belief systems so alien from mine. I see what Republicans "choose". Nothing that I could ever settle for.