Originally Posted by filtherton
So it's a good thing that 1 out of five americans isn't aware that the earth orbits the sun?
do you think anyone is implying that?
Comparisons are nice and all, but there are many instances where i don't care what other people are doing when i decide what is acceptable for myself. If i only drink and drive one night a week, does that make me better than someone who drinks and drives three nights a week? Would you be happy if i told you that i sold crack to three schoolkids a week, as long as i didn't tell you about anyone who sold less drugs to only one schoolkid a week?
and yet you title the thread "We're number 37!! We're number 37!!"? that isn't what you were saying at all.
We're 49th in world literacy. There's a comparison for you.
We're 28th in math literacy. Another comparison.
not sourced, but an improvement.
We're 37th in overall health care performance. What does "health care performance mean"? Well, i guess it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
you're referencing your own original post where the measurement was gauged in "fairness."
If 3 out of 5 americans thought civil rights were overrated would that be acceptable for you if you had nothing to compare it to?
i see what you're getting at, but it's a combination of a sidestep and a backtrack. if you'll read any dissenting post on this thread you'll see that no one is completely happy with the status quo... so don't pretend that anyone is. the dissenters are frustrated that you would present this data as valuable in revealing the real nature of the problems we face when it is clearly flawed.