Originally Posted by Superbelt
The extremists of the left don't have anywhere near the influence that the christian taliban
You are absolutely correct, SB. Just because we hold the same views as the gay mafia, the Rainbow Coalition, and the Nags, does not mean in anyway that we are beholden to them
Barney Frank, Shelia Jackson Lee, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Rodham-Rodham, and Chucky Schumer.
Is this a flash in the pan oppositional stance to the strong influence exhibited by the religious right upon the conservative party or is there going to be action taken to pull the party out of the grasp of religion?
I think it may be just a bone thrown to the Christian Right, and a hollow one at that. Sure, they held up their spring vacations for a few days, but in the end, where were the FLA state troopers rushing in to save her? Or the federal marshalls?
Jeb is up again in 06 I think, and his lack of action here will prove fatal to his reelction campaign. The conservatives will simply stay home.