I decided to switch from Gentoo to FC3 for my desktop machine (bendsley: I don't wanna hear it). I tried to install via NFS and had major issues (which were my fault, I believe). During that process I had my desktop running Ubuntu hoary livecd for a while... it pissed me off, initially. I knew apt-get, but didn't know there was a 'universe' repository that was disabled by default. Anyways, trying to play a video (once I apt-get'd xine) cause my machine to lock up (after using all it's memory). This could be the livecd, or the preview version, or just ubuntu itself. I'm guessing it's the first reason.. but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.
Finally got FC3 up and running, and am very happy. Got apt-get going (I prefer it over yum), got beagle working, got Gnome 2.10 going, got mythtv going w/ my digital tv card (and the card going itself). Although I had to rebuild a few rpms for udev and beagle to work properly, it was a good experience.