So it's a good thing that 1 out of five americans isn't aware that the earth orbits the sun?
Comparisons are nice and all, but there are many instances where i don't care what other people are doing when i decide what is acceptable for myself. If i only drink and drive one night a week, does that make me better than someone who drinks and drives three nights a week? Would you be happy if i told you that i sold crack to three schoolkids a week, as long as i didn't tell you about anyone who sold less drugs to only one schoolkid a week?
We're 49th in world literacy. There's a comparison for you.
We're 28th in math literacy. Another comparison.
We're 37th in overall health care performance. What does "health care performance mean"? Well, i guess it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
If 3 out of 5 americans thought civil rights were overrated would that be acceptable for you if you had nothing to compare it to?
Last edited by filtherton; 03-26-2005 at 05:45 PM..