Originally Posted by samcol
No logic except this school shooting could of been stopped if a teacher had a gun, and 9/11, and daily robberies. My guess is that if people knew 7/11 clerks were packing, armed robberies would of come to a screaching hault. Most thieves don't want confrontation, they just want to indimidate the person that's being held up.
Your claim of logic is best refuted with this statement from page 1:
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I know... let's arm everyone. Let's give guns to the kids, too (that would take care of any bullying problems for sure).
If we ALL carry then no one will ever get shot again... right?
As I said, having a gun and knowing how to shoot it is not even in the same ballpark as knowing how to deal with hostile situations. You skipped over that part when you quoted me.