Wait, but Summers makes it a point in his speech to say (several times) that he is speaking positively as opposed to normatively when he says all this about gender difference... so I don't get why this is considered sexist of him and why all the "feminists" at Harvard (among others) wanted to tear him a new hole. [jab from a Barnard student] Are they still bitter that Harvard swallowed up Radcliffe and took away their college? [/jab]
Originally Posted by macmanmike6100
a "guide for Harvard staff"...what if it was a guide to for those new to the area?).
I second that. None of us here know any of the actual evidence (that's what the trial is for). Besides, guides for people new to the area are frequently filled with things that are not relevant to everybody. For instance, there's a whole section in Columbia's Guide to New York (for new students) about where to get coffee and I don't drink coffee... I'm not going to bang down the doors of whatever student group publishes the guide and call them caffeine supremacists.
And before any smartie-pants decides to say it, a nail salon is NOT different from a coffee shop just because "it's only for women" since there are a lot of men who get manicures, too.