Originally Posted by jusolson00
Hi everybody, well this is my first post in this forum, so hope you all bear with me. The other day I was doing some mindless thinking, you know, the type where your thoughts just drift and soon you find yourself asking yourself "wtf am i thinking that for??!" ha, well anyway my mind just "happened" to drift to women and sex, and I started thinking about the concept of "beauty" as it pertains to a womans body and its measurments. Now I know this is subjective, but still interested in your thoughts. So how about it? what measurments (bust-waist-hips) do you like in your woman? As for me, in my limited experience, I tend to find a body that has the same bust and hip measurement to be attractive, and a waist about 8-10 inches smaller than hips. just my thoughts, how bout you??
In a study conducted on what constitutes a universal standard of female beauty a decade or so ago, your description is one that comes fairly close to one of the three things that are identified as attractive in females throughout all cultures on earth.
The first, as you've identified, is a pleasant hips to waist ratio, Ideally about 1.4:1. Get too far below that, say down to 1.2:1, it looks too masculine. And it isn't the absolute size that matters; it's the ratio; a thin girl like say Grace Park (the most beautiful woman on the planet) can have smaller hips and still maintain the attractive ratio. The other two standards, by the way were a smooth complexion and symmetry, especially in the face.
And I agree completely.
Curves are very sexy. I like tall, and I like curvy, and fortunately I have an SO who is both and who doesn't mind that I'm a beanpole with no hips to speak of.