women's size and proportions
Hi everybody, well this is my first post in this forum, so hope you all bear with me. The other day I was doing some mindless thinking, you know, the type where your thoughts just drift and soon you find yourself asking yourself "wtf am i thinking that for??!" ha, well anyway my mind just "happened" to drift to women and sex, and I started thinking about the concept of "beauty" as it pertains to a womans body and its measurments. Now I know this is subjective, but still interested in your thoughts. So how about it? what measurments (bust-waist-hips) do you like in your woman? As for me, in my limited experience, I tend to find a body that has the same bust and hip measurement to be attractive, and a waist about 8-10 inches smaller than hips. just my thoughts, how bout you??