Originally Posted by Medusa99
Actually, I was researching Columbine and my post was made after KMA's was posted. However, I still stand by what I say. This is a snippet from the link that KMA posted.
That the president would cut short his vacation for the Schiavo case, yet can not offer condolences to the families of 8 dead children in the second worst school shooting in our nation's history is STILL sad, in my opinion.
Ummm, Medusa he did offer his sympathy's. Now calm down KMA and NCB, that doesn't mean I'm taking your side.
KMA clearly pointed out that the President attempted to call the tribe and was directed to voicemail as a result of the overwhelming response the tribe was receiving.
I do agree however, that there is no advantages to making an opinion on this incident known from the presidents perspective. It has no obvious political advantage. That's just politics. It pathetic, and both side do it. I'm sure the issue was discussed, and it was decided that the president had nothing to gain from injecting himslef in the issue.
NCB, you and I both know that this is not a local story. That was a short-sighted and selfish reply on par with saying "Not my problem.". You inherantly state that Columbine was also a local story not worthy of national attention. I do think an apology for that comment would be the classy thing to do. No incident of a school shooting should be dissmissed under the guise of "Not my problem."