Originally Posted by guccilvr
IMO (and it's very humble also) is that the semantics of this are also on the legal line. But I'm not really a semantics guy so I wouldn't know. I'm just pointing out that the thread was on the social issues not the political. LD can verify that if he chooses. I'm not trying to offend anyone, andI'm not a mod so I don't really have much say about the issue. Let's just keep things in their place 
The only reason I placed this on this forum was in hope that it would be dealt with in a more intelligent manner that that of the Politics Board. I learned long ago to not ever to read or post on the Politics Board. I was a "Super Moderator" prior to my last excursion in that area. The whole damned thing is hypocrisy. It has been played out to it's headline grabbing limits and then some. Once more, I'm gonna hang this cartoon on the bottom - then I'm gonna' leave it alone.