Originally Posted by maleficent
what is an emotional connection to a person?
I have perfect strangers constantly tell me their life stories and try to hug me when they are done talking to me all I want to do at that point is shower.
Overly affectionate people, to me, come across as fake. Like they are trying too hard to get people to like them, or they want something, and well, that just irritates me. I am not an affectionate person, unless you know me really well, and affectionate people just make me put my guard up.
I understand that completely. However, not all people showing lots of affection are fake. I know a lot of people who genuinely care about you the moment they meet you. Now if that feeling of caring dissipates right away, then yeah, I think it was fake and I agree with your feelings. There ARE people who aren't like that though. They actually care. They will look you up the next day, want to get involved in your life, be your friend.
Everyone is different, I and I believe at least part of it comes from past experiences with this others and if those experiences were fake, of course you will be apprehensive towards accepting that someone is not being fake and, heaven forbid, just cares about you.