a) The MicroDrive IS a HDD, it's simply packaged in a CF card for size and usability. It still has a platter and it still spins. A normal CF card, or any other flash-based media is sold-state, meaning no moving parts.
b) The Microdrive and minidrives in iPods and iPod minis are quite shock resistant. I know MANY people who use both at the gym and do not have problems. The MicroDrive is extremely small, has only one platter and two heads, and is designed to take falls (without a shell) from 4-5'. The drive in the iPod, I *believe*, is liquid filled (oil-based)... so it's slower (4200rpm or less) which is fine for it's application, and much less sentsitive to impact.
c) Flash does not equal more expensive, per se. Though flash has a higher cost/MB, it's simply because there are no 60- and 80-GB Flash ICs available. You can get a 4GB solid state CF for ~$300.
d) None are inherently "better" than the others (in the Apple line). They all serve their own purpose. I've been debating whether I should get Combatmedicjen a Shuffle or a Mini. She can use both at the gym, either will give her enough space (she loves music, but wouldn't mind having a dozen playlists that she swaps between), and are small and light. I still think I'll go with a mini, but we shall see...