Some 9mm auto loader (I have an XD9 and love it)
Some 357 mag revolver (I have a Taurus 627 and love it (maybe more)).
The 9mm is good for self defense, cheap, and reliable. The 357 mag is flexible (you can shoot 38s out of it), powerful (BOOOMMM!!!!), and you just can't beat a revolver for reliability.
Finding the gun right for you:
FIRST: Go take a NRA basic pistol class. Go to to find one in your area.
Afterwards, go to some forums, use search and look up some guns you are interested in. Read up on them, then go to a store and handle them. If you can't reach the controls, or they just does not feel right, write it off of your list and move on. Then see if you can rent one. Try it out and see if you like it. Save and buy the one you like. Don't shoot self and have fun.