Originally Posted by Gilda
As for the case in the OP, I think it is entirely fair to judge someone who relates to the public as a representative of their organization in part based on how theyr'e dressed. You'd never see me at work in a tank top and a pair of hot pants, just because I don't think that would be very professional. We'd also need to see her applications, work evaluations, and those of the people promoted above her to know if her allegations are true.
don't you also think it's entirely possible that her bosses overreacted to what could be considered reasonable but somewhat "sexy" clothing? "tight pants and low-cut blouses" is way to vague to really tell. I mean, for example, if all women dressed the way that some of the women did on Ally McBeal, there'd be a lot of turned-on guys in the workplace ... but I'm not sure there'd be any grounds to not hire or promote the person. IIRC there was an episode of Ally McBeal about that very topic, but I can't remember for sure as I'm trying hard to purge the last remnants of the show from my head.
I don't know how it is for the really attractive; I'm only moderately pretty, so I fall into that same category most of us are in of not so good-looking nor so bad-looking that it has much of an effect on our jobs.
hilariously frank use of a link to your own picture there ... but nice pic.