I came into this thread hoping for an open discussion on the matter. However, it appears that it's just somebody [CSfilm] stating his opinions on a matter, not allowing for any sort of debate where he is willing to give value to a reasoned statement from the meateating side. So, with this said, I'm going to say what I was planning on earlier, but I won't expect any sort of interesting dialogue to evolve from it.
First of all, CSFilm, you make hypocritical statements - you essentially say 'animal feel pain, because I know they do', then turn around saying 'plants don't feel pain, I know they don't'. You cannot assume either the former or the later! Sure the animals may react to being hit, but they may not consciously understand that they are in pain.
Also, what's to say that killing animals is wrong? It's simply a construct of reality that you've created for yourself! You have no ability to judge, in the objective manner, what is right and what's wrong. You act as if you are the supreme authority [looking at your title under your name really proves this notion], and that you are right, even when proven wrong! Don't you place any value in the betterment of humans? Curing cancer and other diseases at the cost of some monkeys and white rats is a small price to pay, don't you think? If not, we might as well just stop eating!
You know that song that goes like...